Many cats with diabetes often suffer from loss of appetite; however a consistent diet with a regulated glucose supply is very important if the illness is to be managed successfully. Royal Canin Veterinary - Diabetic DS 46 is a delicious, complete food, formulated to regulate the glucose supply as well as encouraging your cat to eat. It has a low starch content which stabilises blood sugar and reduces insulin production This helps to prevent sugar spikes after meals. The high protein content helps to maintain muscle mass in overweight cats.
Diabetes mellitus
Note:Insulin sensitivity may improve while your cat is on this diet. Blood sugar levels should be closely monitored and the insulin dose adjusted as necessary.
Pregnancy or lactation, kittens
Key benefits:
Gluco modulation: Special formula to help manage the level of blood sugar after eating in diabetic cats.
High protein: High protein content. It is essential to maintenance a healthy muscle mass in overweight diabetic cats.
Low starch: This food contains a reduced level of starch.
Moderate calories: Moderate calorie content to help combat weight gain.
Changing your pet's diet and length of treatment:
It is advisable to keep your cat on this diet for the rest of its life. Diabetes mellitus in cats cannot usually be cured; however, successful stabilisation can be achieved for many pets with a combination of insulin therapy, dietary management and exercise.
Therapeutic veterinary diets are carefully formulated and recommended to be used in conjunction with veterinary advice and support. Royal Canin strongly recommend you seek advice from your Vet prior to and during feeding of any of these products to your pet.